
Friday, August 28, 2020

My Family at Mums House

This is about my family a mums house there is a little bit about everyone at mum's house.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Belfast Teachers Lockdown Dance

This is a video of Mum's Belfast Lockdown Dance that I am on. I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

My dog Yoda

This is a slideshow to tell you about my dog Yoda.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Climate change- let's save the world!

Here is my slideshow about Climate Change. We have to save the world! We all can help to make a difference.
Enjoy, Arlia
Here is a picture of me watering the garden.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Living in prison is really gross,  living with heaps of bugs every where. Every time it rains it is cold and wet. Every time I wake up in the morning, I am very sore from lying on the hard concrete. At night I curl up into a ball to keep warm. The night seems to go on, and on, and on! I am very lonely in prison without anybody I know. I miss my family and my friends.


Dear Jacinda- please read

Dear Jacinda,

I think that you should pay teachers more money because teachers don't get that much money. Mum works more than dad and dad gets more money. Mum is a teacher and dad is an accountant. Teachers are important because they help children learn. In lock-down the teachers stay in the classrooms with kids to keep them safe. When kids get hurt teachers make sure they are okay. Mum spends more time doing school reports than spending time with the family. Teachers spend money on kids and take them for school trips. They help you make friends. They make sure no-one is being mean. Teachers are important. 

Please think about looking after our teachers because we need them.


How old until I am 25?

Activity 2: Rights and Wrongs

In this activity I needed to find out how many years until I am 25. I made a slideshow to work out my answer. Here it is here:

Here is the link to my Screencastify, where I explain my working out. I hope you enjoy!